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The Challenge to Deliver Innovative and Reliable Digital Services

Incident Management Needs Its Own Transformation

The number of large enterprises budgeting more than $10 million on digital transformation initiatives has nearly doubled since November. We’ve compiled other facts and figures about reliable digital services from a new research study about automation in incident management into a handy infographic. Can you guess:

  • How many report that customer-impacting issues hamper their ability to innovate?
  • What percentage of a team’s time is spent on firefighting versus new products and services?
  • Which industries are impacted most by customer-reported incidents?
  • What percentage of teams collaborate on blameless postmortems and root cause analyses (RCA) after incidents?
  • Where did most teams fall in our incident management spectrum?
Infographic spectrum for reliable digital services

Infographic spectrum

Get all these answers about reliable digital services and many more in the infographic.

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