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How to Manage IT Service Management with DevOps Processes

How to Manage IT Service Management with DevOps Processes

xMatters has been in the integration business from the inception of our product.  The integrations have gotten more complex over time to accommodate the use cases and needs of our growing customer base.

Let me give you an example. Over the last few years, our enterprise customers have adopted practices and toolsets previously reserved for much smaller organizations.  To increase the velocity of their businesses, they’ve adopted Agile Development approaches and have started to couple them with DevOps practices.

Enterprises Face Unique Challenges with DevOps

Enterprises Face Unique Challenges with DevOps

Today, we’re announcing the release of our new integration platform to help companies solve a particularly gnarly set of problems that they face in their DevOps toolkit.  Start with a variety of tools that cover everything from monitoring, service management, incident management, release management, security, log monitoring, collaboration and others, and attempt to connect them together in a process that involves actual people.

Technology and Stakeholder Challenges:
Bring in modern tools alongside legacy systems, and align a variety of IT employees with business roles.

You wind up with an integration mess! You have to get information from one system, process it, translate APIs, and enrich it with info from other systems, and then you can figure out which team or person needs to get it.  Then, you have to build out the right content for the situation, get it out on any number of communication channels, and allow for responses back.

And not just simple “I got it” type acknowledgments, mind you, but responses that have to again be processed across multiple tools and APIs to move the actual process forward as quickly as possible.

Process Challenges:
Manage Agile DevOps processes alongside standard ITSM workflow. DevOps is about streamlining processes and accelerating workflow, yet communication causes stagnation.

We’ve built our integration platform to more effectively couple the loosely connected (mostly) RESTful APIs of the products in your DevOps toolkit that need to get information back and forth between people and the tools.

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