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Use Integration and Automation for More Responsive IT

Use Integration and Automation for More Responsive IT

IT Support organizations are under more pressure than ever before. You have to rely on integration and automation to avoid being overwhelmed.

In 2015, for example, the volume of inbound tickets increased 63% over the previous year, according to HDI’s 2015 “Support Center Salary & Practices” report. To put it into context, an American baseball team that won 100 games (out of 162) would win 163 the following year.

Use Integration and Automation for More Responsive IT

Live webinar featuring Forrester

These pressures require teams to collaborate and communicate in an entirely new manner—across silos, organizations, geographies and tools—with integration and automation.

Teams and tools cannot exist in separate silos from one another. It’s like having a baseball team of talented players who don’t communicate on the field. You really have to integrate tools and systems so they communicate effectively with each other. Bringing people and tools together at key decision points helps drive productivity.

From reaction to proaction
Reacting even at optimal speeds to incidents is not enough. You must ensure your team can deliver proactive service to your business and respond at lightning speed to major issues.

All good and well, but how exactly do you accomplish all this?

Pursue efficiency, effectiveness, quality, and agility with a three-level strategy of:

  • Notification. Improve human to human interaction by focusing on timely communication to team members with the relevant skills
  • Insight. How well do your tools help you make the right decisions quickly? Getting actionable insight from a complex environment becomes crucial during a major incident.
  • Integration. Do you have a plan for integrating and scaling tools? There are many tools in your organization, and more are coming! How do you leverage their data to provide insight and collect root cause information?
Use Integration and Automation for More Responsive IT

Attend this live webinar with Forrester

Join us for a live webinar on September 27, featuring guest speakers from Forrester, to will learn how to pursue efficiency, effectiveness, quality, and agility. Speakers include Forrester Researcher Elinor Klavens, Forrester Principal Analyst Rob Stroud, and xMatters CTO Abbas Haider Ali. Please join us for a lively and informative discussion about integration and automation rapid incident response and proactive service management.

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